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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Leaves Say it All

            I can hardly contain how excited I am that it's pretty much fall already. Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year. Not only is it breathtakingly gorgeous outside, but it has finally cooled down so I'm no longer sweating the second I walk out my front door like I was all summer long. I was a little afraid that this fall would be abnormally hot since this past summer was sweltering and last winter we barely had any snow at all, so our poor Mother Nature has been a little confused lately. I'd honestly rather have the weather be cooler than normal because you can always add on a few layers; if it's too hot, you can only get so naked before it becomes a problem.
            A lot of exciting things come along with fall; the leaves changing colors and the temperature drop, obviously, but for me it also means that my birthday is coming soon. My grandma always said that once the leaves turn then my birthday is just around the corner; two weeks and a day to be exact. This birthday is a big one -- 18, woo! I also decided to wait until this fall to take my senior pictures because I wanted the colorful backdrop.

            I think my favorite and most exciting event that comes with fall is Halloween. Shocker, I know. Even though I'm technically "too old" to go trick-or-treating anymore, who says I can't take my little brother and sister around and "help out"? Seriously though, Halloween is one of the best holidays ever. I don't dress up anymore, but just the feeling that comes with Halloween, the atmosphere is so...intoxicating, in a way. It's such a fun and interesting holiday; it also has a series of frightening movies. Lots of scary movies associate with Halloween, actually, which makes sense. Much like Christmas, when it's Halloween season, it's EVERYWHERE. You're surrounded by costumes and candy and pumpkins and witches and monsters and spiders and orange and black anywhere you look. I love going to haunted houses; Nightmare Manor is my favorite and no matter how many times I've gone through it I always come out without my voice. I know I'm not a little kid anymore, but Halloween makes me feel like I can be for a night.

Word count: 386

The Immortals...Awesome Book!

           I just finished reading a book that was not only surprising, confusing, appalling, even a little gross, and it was really good. J.T. Ellison's The Immortals was just a random mystery novel I picked up at Half-Price Books one day, and I never thought I'd actually get the chance to read it until Mizzay said we had to read challenging, adult novels for our at-home reading. The best comparison I can think of would be a combination of Law and Order with your typical murder mystery novel with a few curveballs thrown at you. This books mixes murder with religion, witchcraft, sex, drugs, as well as pop-culture that makes the story even more tangible.

            I've read many mysteries, probably because they're my favorite books to read; I like figuring the plot out. This book was different though; you find out who the killer is before you're even a third of the way through the book. The exciting part in this case is just how the main character and cop, Taylor Jackson, pieces together the clues and how everything fits together. It's amazing how many small details are randomly thrown at you as you're reading and then as she figures it out, everything makes sense to you as the reader and it feels so obvious. I think Ellison did an amazing job with this book; she even went "undercover", so-to-speak and found out "cop lingo" to make the book feel more genuine which I think is really cool; it shows she was truly dedicated to this story and it shows.

            The Immortals is actually part of a series and it's the fifth book, so I think I'm going to read the first four and possibly this one again so it'll all tie together. The book is well-written enough that it isn't too confusing and you don't have to read the other books for it to make sense. I highly recommend this book, whether you're interested in mystery novels or not. It has a lot of other aspects to it that will intrigue you anyway.

Word count: 343

Some Nights!

            By now, I'm sure the majority of people have heard Fun's song Some Nights. I must say, I absolutely love this song; it's very catchy and the lyrics are easily understood. And, it's a pretty fun song to sing along to. Once I got the lyrics down to a point, I wondered what the story was behind the words, and why the music video was set back in the Civil War. After studying the video and the lyrics, I thought I'd try and figure out what the song meant.

"Some Nights"
Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck
Some nights, I call it a draw
Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle
Some nights, I wish they'd just fall off

But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
Oh Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for oh
What do I stand for? What do I stand for?
Most nights, I don't know anymore...
Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh oh
Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh oh

This is it, boys, this is war - what are we waiting for?
Why don't we break the rules already?
I was never one to believe the hype - save that for the black and white
I try twice as hard and I'm half as liked, but here they come again to jack my style

And that's alright; I found a martyr in my bed tonight
She stops my bones from wondering just who I am, who I am, who I am
Oh, who am I? mmm... mmm...

Well, some nights, I wish that this all would end
Cause I could use some friends for a change
And some nights, I'm scared you'll forget me again
Some nights, I always win, I always win...

But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
Oh Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh
What do I stand for? What do I stand for?
Most nights, I don't know... (come on)

So this is it? I sold my soul for this?
Washed my hands of that for this?
I miss my mom and dad for this?

(Come on)

No. When I see stars, when I see, when I see stars, that's all they are
When I hear songs, they sound like this one, so come on
Oh, come on. Oh, come on, OH COME ON!

Well, that is it guys, that is all - five minutes in and I'm bored again
Ten years of this, I'm not sure if anybody understands
This one is not for the folks at home; Sorry to leave, mom, I had to go
Who the f*ck wants to die alone all dried up in the desert sun?

My heart is breaking for my sister and the con that she call "love"
When I look into my nephew's eyes...
Man, you wouldn't believe the most amazing things that can come from...
Some terrible lies...ahhh...

Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, oh oh
Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, oh oh

The other night, you wouldn't believe the dream I just had about you and me
I called you up, but we'd both agree
It's for the best you didn't listen
It's for the best we get our distance... oh...
It's for the best you didn't listen
It's for the best we get our distance... oh...

            From the video, you can see that the main soldier has a relationship with some girl. One can take this song literally and think it's from the perspective of this soldier, and he's singing to his girlfriend back home as he's away at war. He's asking himself, who am I? What do I stand for? As if he's unsure as to why he's fighting, why he's risking his life when he could be safe at home with his girl. In the seventh stanza (not including the repeated chorus) he mentions selling his soul for fighting, leaving his family, wondering if it's all worth the trouble.

            This song could also be taken figuratively, and quite metaphorically. The soldier at war could be a metaphor for someone who's just looking for their place in life. They're "at war" with themselves and they're not sure what they were put on this earth to do. I think it's a metaphor for the band's lead singer, Nate Ruess, and his experiences with his music. In the first stanza, he sings "Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck / Some nights, I call it a draw / Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle / Some nights, I wish they'd just fall off". I think he's referring to writing music, and how he's pushing boundaries and "cashing in his bad luck" when he's writing new songs. Sometimes he's confident with it -- Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle -- and sometimes he's not -- Some nights, I wish they'd just fall off --, but "he still wakes up", or he continues to write music no matter what.

            Later on, in the third stanza, it says "This is it, boys, this is war - what are we waiting for? / Why don't we break the rules already?" and I think Nate is talking to his fellow band members, kind of as a "pep talk" to get the band going. At the end of the third stanza, he says "I try twice as hard and I'm half as liked, but here they come again to jack my style", and I think that means even though the band's trying to make it big, they aren't as popular as they'd like to be. In my opinion, I'm surprised they weren't as widely heard of a while ago; at least their hits should have hit mainstream sooner than they did. The last little section about "jacking my style" might refer to other artists using some of their musical stylistic elements because, since Fun got so much hype for their music, others thought it would help their music, too, if they used the same thing. This ties in with the lines "No. When I see stars, when I see, when I see stars, that's all they are / When I hear songs, they sound like this one, so come on." saying the "stars" or other artists are just other artists like them, and that their songs all sound the same because they took the same elements from Fun's music: autotone would be an example.

            Some of the lyrics I'm not too sure about, like their reference to seeing a ghost or the "martyr in their bed", and I'm not saying my interpretation of the song is correct or even close; it can be taken different directions, this is just my opinion. The coolest thing for me is just the song itself, not necessarily the story behind it. 

Word count: 677

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kickin' Off My Bucket list

A couple years ago, a show called The Buried Life first aired. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to see as much of it as I would have liked to, because it’s a really inspiring show. It got me thinking, what do I want to do before I die? It sounds like a simple question, but really, it takes some thought. Who knows, I could die sometime tomorrow and never get the chance to do some amazing things. 

I'm not much of a risk taker, so adding a few risky and dangerous activities to my bucket list would make my life a little less boring: things like skydiving, mountain climbing, scaling cliffs of high peaks, scuba diving, bungee jumping. Of course, these activities are stereotypical when it comes to fun things people want to do before they die. I used to be afraid of roller coasters when I was younger and that would have been on this list, but I've already crossed that one out. 

I think facing my fears would be a broad but relevant section of things I'd like to add to my list: my fear of needles could be overcome by getting my first tattoo; I could get over my fear of public speaking by becoming a teacher like I've wanted to do; I could get over my fear of heights and finally going in a plane; I'd conquer my fear of pain and have a baby someday. Overcoming these fears can not only cross the fears off my list, but it can take care of other ambitions like being a teacher or getting a tattoo all in one. 

There are those goals that are important for my future, like graduating high school, going to college and graduating, moving out and living on my own, getting a decent job, finding my soul mate and getting married, starting a family, making sure me and my family have a good, stable life, etc. 

Aside from the crazy, scary, and serious goals, I have some fun and silly things I want to accomplish before I die as well (ignore the fact that some may be illegal and/or impossible): swim in a fountain, gamble at Vegas, meet a celebrity, learn to fly, swim with dolphins, ride in a hot-air balloon, discover something big and important, visit somewhere outside of the country, pet a tiger, get my picture taken sitting on an elephant, write a book, learn to play the guitar and be AMAZING at it, write a song, sell my art, be a billionaire, spend the night at a mall, save a life, deliver kittens or puppies, own a brand, spanking-new car, become famous for something (not acting...I can't act), be in a magazine, live to be over 100 years old. 

Some of the things on my bucket list are a little out-there, whereas some of them are very easy to eliminate. I can say I've crossed off a few of them already, and, if I don't suddenly die tomorrow, hopefully I can start crossing off more. 

Word count: 505

Down With the Sickness

Even though it's not quite cold and flu season yet, a lot of people have been getting sick lately, including myself. I've heard that sore throat and fever are pretty common, which I have, unfortunately, plus pink eye and a sinus and ear infection. So, it's pretty much obvious that school isn't much of an option for me for a day or two. Now, staying in bed all day and watching T.V. as much as I want is awesome...until I come back to realize that I'm taking five AP classes, all with loads of make-up work waiting for me when I get back to school. It's always really awkward for me to get into the swing of things at school after missing a few days because I feel so behind.

The biggest obstacle for me when it comes to missing school is catching up with all the make-up work, not just the assigned homework, but it seems that teachers always have some big thing planned in class the days I miss; I end up making up some kind of group activity or a lab in science class or something big like that. It's just my luck that I would be the only student gone, too, so of course I'd have to do the whole thing by myself and I wouldn't have anyone to ask for help. Other than the teacher, but then I'd just feel stupid.

Another thing I hate about missing school is I basically have to teach myself the lesson. The teacher will tell me what pages to read and what section of the study guide to fill out, but the rest is on me because I missed the lesson and the explanation given in class. That's a big problem for me because I don't know if I'm learning the right things or if I'm missing the big picture and paying too much attention to the smaller, irrelevant details.

I try to avoid missing school at all costs, because dealing with make-up work, in-class assignments that are sometimes way too complicated to handle on my own, and having to basically teach myself are too stressful for someone who already is taking college-level classes. If this sickness doesn't kill me, school will.

Word count: 373

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's Here...Homecoming!

It’s that time of year again! When I was in middle school and I pictured homecoming, I imagined all the expensive dresses, the tall, strappy heels, corsages, ties and dress pants, the fancy restaurants; all of which are still a part of the homecoming tradition, but are then tainted by some students’ neglect to stay fully clothed throughout the whole dance. Or worse. I don’t think it’s that difficult for them to at least wait until they get home or, if they’re that desperate, not even come to the dance and go home to take care of business after they eat and take pictures. Finding evidence of these activities at the end of the night is gross, but I’m afraid there is no real way to avoid it even after the new rules put in place by Administration. The mosh pit is still going to have those few kids in the center “gettin’ down” (literally, NOT figuratively) with the rest of us standing around watching, unfortunately. The girls are still going to “hike up their skirts with their hands on the floor”. I know it’s disgusting, but we’re talking about teenagers in a dark room here. If only they could be a little more courteous, that would be fantastic.

Word count: 209

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Art, It's What I Do

                Art is a big part of my life. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun and it’s therapeutic, in a way. If I’m sad, it’ll show up in my work; equally goes if I’m really happy or excited. I like showing people my pieces, not necessarily for comments and compliments, but I just enjoy showing people what I can do.  I’d like to say I’m best at drawing, but it’s very time consuming because I’m a perfectionist and it takes me a while. With drawing I feel like I can draw anything and anywhere I want. I enjoy drawing things from nature.  Sometimes I morph them so they don’t look so realistic, like in this tree drawing:
It may look difficult, but once you get in the zone with drawing it sort of flows out. I hadn’t planned on the Halloween Night theme at first, but I ended up with it. A lot of people say they “can’t draw”, but I think it’s because they don’t necessarily try. They tried maybe once and they came out with a stick figure, so they came up with the conclusion that they couldn’t draw anything. In my first drawing class, there were a few kids that said the same, and they came out drawing things like horses and self-portraits, literally. The classes will teach you the skills to be a good artist, whether it’s pencil or paint or anything else.

I also like to draw things more realistically, like these drawings of my sister, my puppy, and two babies.

I enjoyed art classes so much that I took drawing one other time, and ceramics three times. I don’t think I’m as good with clay as I am with drawing, but I have more fun with it. It’s a little more challenging for me because I can’t make nearly a s many things as I’m able to draw , so it pushes me as an artist.

The first is a vase that is shaped like a rose, and the other is a tissue-box cover that looks like a house which the smoke of the chimney being the tissues. Both were fun to make yet challenging to construct at the same time. I think that art is meant to push you to do new things, rather things that are easy. Granted, easy things are often the ones we choose to do, but the outcome is so much better if you try harder. That’s why I tell people who think they can’t draw anything to just sit down with a pencil and draw.

Word count: 453

Pet Peeves

Everyone has those little pet peeves that set their teeth on edge. My biggest annoyance is a two-faced person: someone who acts one way around some people, and the complete opposite around other people. It irritates me to no end when someone says they dislike somebody, and then two seconds later they’re hanging out with that person, acting as if they were the best of friends. That, to me, is the definition of a fake person. For example, say you’re spending time with a friend and they’re talking total smack about another girl at school, filling you in on the current rumors about her, things she’s heard, etc. Then, the next day, she’s hanging out with the other girl, making plans for a sleepover that coming weekend. You’d be a little ticked off, right?! Well, more than a little. She’s basically lying to everyone about who she really is and how loyal of a friend she can be.

Another pet peeve I have, which ties in with the idea of a two-faced person, is a liar. Even more annoying than that is someone who continues to lie to your face even when you know that they’re lying to you. I know, I know, everyone lies and it’s hard to avoid, but there are some things that are way better being honest about. Even the “little white lies” everyone tells could be hurtful if misunderstood. The big lies that could affect a friendship or a relationship aren’t worth keeping a secret if it means losing someone you care about. Think about who the lie will hurt before you tell it.

I’m also annoyed with homework, pretty much like every other teenager on the planet. Homework truly does suck the fun out of everything, cutting into our social lives and sleep time. It also makes it difficult to have a job because you have to balance homework and work in the afternoon and evening after being at school for seven hours already. That’s what baffles me the most: why do we have to go to school for seven hours a day, five days a week, 180 days a year, and do more school work at home? Is that not enough time to get work done during the day? I honestly wouldn’t even mind going to school longer each day, classes a few minutes longer, just so we’d have enough time to get work finished in class as opposed to having extra to do at home. That way we’re also right there with the teacher able to help us. And we’re still in school mode, so we won’t feel the need to procrastinate as much; we’ll be “in the zone”, so to speak. Teachers, cut us a little slack and eliminate homework. Please? J

Word count: 460

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Off to College

                Thinking about college is scary. As a freshman you think, ‘I have four years to think about it, I’ll wait till later’.  Then as a senior, you’re freaking out because you have a mere nine months before you’re sent out into the real world, without high school as a shelter anymore, and you have no clue what you want to do with your life, let alone where you want to go to college.

                Think about what you like to do, and what you’re good at. What are your favorite classes at school? I, personally, am very good at art, and I enjoy doing it very much. Pursuing a career doing something you love will benefit you in more ways than one; you’ll be good at it, and you’ll have fun doing it. Why would you want to have a job that you don’t know how to do, and, frankly, don’t even want to do?

                That’s the first crucial step. Deciding what you want to do with that talent is next. I want to take my art and become an art teacher at my own high school. Say your favorite subject is math; maybe you decide you want to be an engineer or an accountant. Think of possible jobs you can aim for that fit your strengths.

                Next, search schools that have good programs for the fields you’re interested in. You wouldn’t want to go to a school that’s known for science if you want to major in theater. You’d be wasting time and money and you’d probably be more frustrated than you were when you started.

                Saving up money for college sounds like a huge feat, but applying for scholarships can only help you, so it wouldn’t hurt to try. Your wallet and your parents’ wallets will thank you. In the end, finding the perfect school will be more important than how hard it was to get there.

Word count: 318

Oh, Freshmen.

We seniors say it every day when we walk through the halls, “Those stupid freshmen! Why are they so annoying?!” And, granted, not all freshmen are lower than dirt, but the majority of them need to figure a few things out, and quickly:

    ~When walking through the hallways, WALK FASTER. Follow the crowd. We understand that, on the first week of school at least, you didn’t know where things were and the whole high school atmosphere was very overwhelming; we were freshmen once, too, we went there. If you don’t know where something is, ask. Don’t just stand in the middle of the foyer when everyone else is trying to get to class. Sure, the foyer is crowded with people, but you can still get through if you follow a line of other people or kindly pushing your way. Not only does it make people mad but it makes them, and you, late for class. If you’re going to stand there and not move, do it by a wall so people can still get around you.

   ~ Show some support at the football games. You might not know everyone playing on the field, but they’re still your fellow classmates. Any cheering you do can help them, and it ultimately makes everyone on our side happier if we’re all cheering our team on. If you didn’t come to cheer, why did you come to the game? On a side note, if we ask you to move up the bleachers, please do it. We had to as freshmen; you’ll get your time on the sidelines soon enough.

    ~When the bell rings the first time at lunch, that doesn’t mean you have to leave for class. That’s a ten-minute warning bell, releasing the next lunch period from their 4th hour class, so you still have some time. Crowding in line by the doors just frustrates people because it’s difficult to get into the lunchroom and into a line with all of you standing around. Also, start your table at the end and work your way in. If you start sitting in the middle and another group of people is sitting at the end, your monstrous group forces them to move.

   ~DO NOT SIT ON THE SENIOR BENCH. Pretty self-explanatory, if you ask me.

    ~In pep assemblies, don’t “boo” people for scoring (we seniors experienced this the hard way and lost points for doing so), send people up who can actually do the challenge, or try to, and don’t be sore losers. I could say the same for any grade, since pep assemblies are always a big deal when we have them. The point is just to have fun and fight for that spirit stick! Figuratively.

    ~Don’t act like the stereotypical freshman. You can be a freshman and know how to be mature like a high school student. You’re not in eighth grade anymore, and, frankly, acting like that will get people annoyed with you. Talking about pointless drama is, well, pointless. You won’t see these people in five years; it won’t matter then so it doesn’t matter now.

   ~Have fun in high school. The four years go fast.

Word count: 531

Quit Putting it Off! Tips on Procrastination

I must admit that I have a serious problem with procrastination. Sometimes it just sounds better to spend an hour or so hanging out with your best friend, or watching a movie and then studying later, or taking a 30-minute power-nap that turns into a couple hours. My difficulties with buckling down and cracking the books have only gotten worse since high school opened its ugly doors for me. Balancing five college-level classes, including all those heavy textbooks, and a part-time job is damned near impossible some days. Putting off that paper and reading assignment for a little while to give myself some free time always sounds like a good idea, until my test comes back with a big, fat “F” on it.  I know it’s hard to get into the habit, but doing my homework right when I get home really is the best idea if I want to do well in school. I need to be more self-disciplined and actually follow my planner. That way I won’t have to cram all my assignments into one night and lose precious sleep over it.

I think I can safely say that about 98% of teenagers have procrastinated. The other 2% are probably lying. One thing I’ve learned that helps with my procrastinating is to write things down. Staying organized and keeping track of all the things you have to do really helps because it creates a sort of guideline for what projects you need to finish first and which ones you can afford to put off for a while. If you have multiple assignments due around the same time, and you have, say, a week to do them, spend a little time every night working on each project so that by the night before they’re due, it won’t take as long to finish everything. That way you also have time to finish smaller assignments given to you throughout the week that are due the next day without feeling pressured with the heavy workload.

Another problem that contributes to my procrastinating, and I’m sure others’, is the temptation of electronics; you feel your phone buzz and you think that you have to look at it that very second or it’ll explode. One thing that helped me was keeping my phone in a different room while I worked on homework. That way I couldn’t hear or feel it vibrate and I was able to concentrate without worrying about who was texting me. If you must use your phone for researching or something like that, sometimes it’s better to use than a computer because there’s the temptation of opening tabs for Facebook or YouTube or Twitter. Since switching pages on your phone is more difficult than on a computer, it won’t be as easy to get sucked into the social websites; as long as you’re not texting, of course.

If you have a study hall period, take advantage of it. It’s much easier to concentrate when you’re in a school setting; it’s quiet, and there aren’t those temptations like a T.V. or a comfy couch. That way you can get some assignments done and you can actually take the time to relax and watch your favorite show when you get home.

Procrastinating is a nuisance, but if you have the organization and self-discipline to get your work done first, your grades and your brain will thank you.

Word count: 564

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Third Wheel Probs

It’s hard having a best friend with a boyfriend and you’re stuck in Single Land. Especially when you were best friends for years before her boyfriend was even in the picture. Once Mr. Perfect shows up, it’s like you don’t exist because he’s all she spends time with. When she does hang out with you, she’s on the phone with him, texting him, talking about him 24/7; all you can do is nod with the occasional “Mhmm” and stare off into space, wishing you had a boyfriend you could gush about and maybe make her feel jealous, too.

The worst part is when he comes over “unexpectedly” while you two are supposed to be having some girl-time. Then he stays there for hours and you just sit alone watching one of your favorite chick flicks while they’re cuddling on the couch whispering sweet nothings to each other. It’s hard feeling happy for your best friend when seeing her happy makes you feel lonely and miserable.

What else can you do? You can’t really ditch your best friend because of her new beau; you two are joined at the hip and no boyfriend wedge should separate that. You can feel bitter on the inside without displaying it. Once it’s just the two of you, tell her outright that it upsets you that her boyfriend comes over when you’re hanging out with her or that he’s all she talks about, and it makes you feel like you’re being replaced. If you’re open with her, she’ll take your feelings into account and both of you will be happier, and your friendship will thank you. When they have a fight, who is she going to come crying to for advice? You, her best friend. They say boyfriend trumps best friend, but if you’re honest and loyal to her, you’re irreplaceable. 

Word count: 306

Harsh Words...How To Ignore Them

Being on the short end of the stick myself, I’ve felt the sting of bullying. It’s hard to overcome the frequent stares, the pointing, and the name-calling. I’ve never been one of the skinny girls at school, and people noticed that when I was younger. Some thought it would be funny to lower my self-esteem with their hurtful words and comments and, for a while, it worked.

I’ve grown to realize that the people who choose to bully others are more insecure about themselves than anything else. They put down the “weaklings” to make themselves look tough and untouchable to people around them. They crave attention. They think that they’ll look “cool” if they degrade someone else. The kid they pick on, most of the time, makes the bully jealous in some way, and that’s why they’re the target. Maybe the bully is insecure because his grades aren’t the best? Maybe his house isn’t the biggest? Maybe his clothes aren’t the nicest? Maybe he, too, was bullied and decides to bully other kids to make himself feel better? Ultimately, the bully feels inferior and therefore puts someone else down so he can feel on top of the world.

The best way that I can think of to avoid bullying is to do just that; ignore them. A bully feeds on hurting people, and if their victims show no response, they have nothing to gain. Act confident and brave, even if you don’t necessarily feel that way at the time. Don’t show them that what they said hurt, or they’ll continue. If picking on someone doesn’t give them the power they’re looking for, they’ll give up. If the bully is physical, travel in pairs or groups. One bully can’t take on multiples effectively. There will also be witnesses in case someone gets hurt and an adult needs to be notified. No matter what the bully says or does, they will be the ones getting in trouble. Unless you threw a punch, you can’t get in trouble for standing up for yourself.

If you’re bullied and you show confidence at an earlier age, it’s easier to ignore hurtful words when they’re thrown at you. I wish I had when I was younger because it affected me for years afterwards. I’ve grown to love myself the way I am and I don’t let what people say get to me.

Word count: 396

I Am Who I Am...Unique

I'm Emily, sometimes called Emmy by my friends, family and coworkers. I'm seventeen, going on eighteen (finally!). I'm a pretty short girl, only about five-four. I’m disproportionate, if you ask me. I'm the oldest of four children, though sometimes I wish I was a lone wolf. I'm a brown-haired, green-eyed senior. I have my likes and dislikes just like any other person on this planet. I am unique. 

I'm a Cedar Rapidian. A lot of kids my age don't appreciate it here, but I love it. I was born here, I've lived here all my life, and I'm comfortable living here. Outsiders can refer to Cedar Rapids as "the Great Land of Sweet Corn" all they want, but I can't think of "home" as being any other place. The sweet corn is just a bonus. 

I know in high school, everyone relies on their stereotypes to categorize people based on their likes and appearances. According to those characteristics alone, I would fit into multiple cliques of people and, honestly, I'm okay with that. Labels are for middle school.

My appearance confuses people sometimes, I think. I'm a jeans-and-a-t-shirt kind of girl. Most days, anyway. Converse shoes are my best friends, especially my purple ones; I adore purple. Occasionally, I'll dress up a little bit but hardly ever to school. I'd rather be comfy in denim sitting in hard chairs all day. Sometimes I wear pink or any other bright color, but I wear black a lot more: black shirt, black shoes, black nail polish, black eyeliner. Some people have called me "emo" or "goth" before because of my choice of attire. Seriously, though, just because somebody wears black, doesn't mean they're sad or depressed all the time. Just because someone wears pink doesn't make them preppy (although...this doesn't really apply to my sister). Somebody who's not a jock can still run around wearing basketball shorts and tennis shoes. I even wear basketball shorts.

My favorite pastime is listening to music. My iPod is a cornucopia of radio pop music, country, a little blues, instrumental, and even some Christian rock. However, the shock factor for people is that I absolutely love rock and heavy metal. Nothing makes me happier than shredding guitar solos and long-haired men screaming the lyrics in my ear buds, full-volume.  I have a guitar obsession. I’m not sure why, but the majority of my music is by male artists or bands. It could be because of their deep voices; I love to sing along and I can reach pretty low, so it’s easier for me to sing with male voices than female, I think.

I also love doing art, and I’m pretty good at it. I love to sculpt with clay the most, but I can also draw and create things with other random media like wire and wood. I plan on going to school for art in the future. I find myself doodling in class a lot to pass the time.

I really like to read, when I actually have the time to indulge in a new book. I enjoy mysteries a lot, or romance novels. Sometimes I like being introduced to a new assigned book for school because nine times out of ten I discover I relished in reading the book, even though it wasn’t one I had personally chosen. If I find a book I’m really interested in, I won’t put it down until I’m finished. I’m kind of a bookworm.

I’m a very organized person. I’m a little obsessive when it comes to straightening things. I work at Gordmans and I always have to sort things for people because they don’t want to take the time to organize it; I don’t complain because I have fun doing it. If only I could keep my room clean and organized….

            I’m usually a shy person, especially around people I don’t know or those who intimidate me for any reason. I never used to be very confident, but once I found out I could be myself around people it became easier to do just that. Once I get comfortable around someone, I open up and sometimes I can’t stop talking. I make jokes a lot, not always the most appropriate ones but I’ll leave out the examples. I laugh so much that I cry and my sides hurt. I’ve been told that I’m funny and I make other people laugh, too.

             I am a lot of things compacted into one single body. I’m short. I wear whatever I want. I’m a rock girl. I’m an artist. I’m a bookworm. I’m majorly obsessed with organization. I’m shy but crazy. I’m me.

Word count: 774