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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Third Wheel Probs

It’s hard having a best friend with a boyfriend and you’re stuck in Single Land. Especially when you were best friends for years before her boyfriend was even in the picture. Once Mr. Perfect shows up, it’s like you don’t exist because he’s all she spends time with. When she does hang out with you, she’s on the phone with him, texting him, talking about him 24/7; all you can do is nod with the occasional “Mhmm” and stare off into space, wishing you had a boyfriend you could gush about and maybe make her feel jealous, too.

The worst part is when he comes over “unexpectedly” while you two are supposed to be having some girl-time. Then he stays there for hours and you just sit alone watching one of your favorite chick flicks while they’re cuddling on the couch whispering sweet nothings to each other. It’s hard feeling happy for your best friend when seeing her happy makes you feel lonely and miserable.

What else can you do? You can’t really ditch your best friend because of her new beau; you two are joined at the hip and no boyfriend wedge should separate that. You can feel bitter on the inside without displaying it. Once it’s just the two of you, tell her outright that it upsets you that her boyfriend comes over when you’re hanging out with her or that he’s all she talks about, and it makes you feel like you’re being replaced. If you’re open with her, she’ll take your feelings into account and both of you will be happier, and your friendship will thank you. When they have a fight, who is she going to come crying to for advice? You, her best friend. They say boyfriend trumps best friend, but if you’re honest and loyal to her, you’re irreplaceable. 

Word count: 306

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