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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kickin' Off My Bucket list

A couple years ago, a show called The Buried Life first aired. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to see as much of it as I would have liked to, because it’s a really inspiring show. It got me thinking, what do I want to do before I die? It sounds like a simple question, but really, it takes some thought. Who knows, I could die sometime tomorrow and never get the chance to do some amazing things. 

I'm not much of a risk taker, so adding a few risky and dangerous activities to my bucket list would make my life a little less boring: things like skydiving, mountain climbing, scaling cliffs of high peaks, scuba diving, bungee jumping. Of course, these activities are stereotypical when it comes to fun things people want to do before they die. I used to be afraid of roller coasters when I was younger and that would have been on this list, but I've already crossed that one out. 

I think facing my fears would be a broad but relevant section of things I'd like to add to my list: my fear of needles could be overcome by getting my first tattoo; I could get over my fear of public speaking by becoming a teacher like I've wanted to do; I could get over my fear of heights and finally going in a plane; I'd conquer my fear of pain and have a baby someday. Overcoming these fears can not only cross the fears off my list, but it can take care of other ambitions like being a teacher or getting a tattoo all in one. 

There are those goals that are important for my future, like graduating high school, going to college and graduating, moving out and living on my own, getting a decent job, finding my soul mate and getting married, starting a family, making sure me and my family have a good, stable life, etc. 

Aside from the crazy, scary, and serious goals, I have some fun and silly things I want to accomplish before I die as well (ignore the fact that some may be illegal and/or impossible): swim in a fountain, gamble at Vegas, meet a celebrity, learn to fly, swim with dolphins, ride in a hot-air balloon, discover something big and important, visit somewhere outside of the country, pet a tiger, get my picture taken sitting on an elephant, write a book, learn to play the guitar and be AMAZING at it, write a song, sell my art, be a billionaire, spend the night at a mall, save a life, deliver kittens or puppies, own a brand, spanking-new car, become famous for something (not acting...I can't act), be in a magazine, live to be over 100 years old. 

Some of the things on my bucket list are a little out-there, whereas some of them are very easy to eliminate. I can say I've crossed off a few of them already, and, if I don't suddenly die tomorrow, hopefully I can start crossing off more. 

Word count: 505

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