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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Down With the Sickness

Even though it's not quite cold and flu season yet, a lot of people have been getting sick lately, including myself. I've heard that sore throat and fever are pretty common, which I have, unfortunately, plus pink eye and a sinus and ear infection. So, it's pretty much obvious that school isn't much of an option for me for a day or two. Now, staying in bed all day and watching T.V. as much as I want is awesome...until I come back to realize that I'm taking five AP classes, all with loads of make-up work waiting for me when I get back to school. It's always really awkward for me to get into the swing of things at school after missing a few days because I feel so behind.

The biggest obstacle for me when it comes to missing school is catching up with all the make-up work, not just the assigned homework, but it seems that teachers always have some big thing planned in class the days I miss; I end up making up some kind of group activity or a lab in science class or something big like that. It's just my luck that I would be the only student gone, too, so of course I'd have to do the whole thing by myself and I wouldn't have anyone to ask for help. Other than the teacher, but then I'd just feel stupid.

Another thing I hate about missing school is I basically have to teach myself the lesson. The teacher will tell me what pages to read and what section of the study guide to fill out, but the rest is on me because I missed the lesson and the explanation given in class. That's a big problem for me because I don't know if I'm learning the right things or if I'm missing the big picture and paying too much attention to the smaller, irrelevant details.

I try to avoid missing school at all costs, because dealing with make-up work, in-class assignments that are sometimes way too complicated to handle on my own, and having to basically teach myself are too stressful for someone who already is taking college-level classes. If this sickness doesn't kill me, school will.

Word count: 373

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