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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Humbugs

            There are an awful lot of rude people in this country. I know that sounds very broad but it's true. I'm saying so because, since I work in retail, I have the very unfortunate experiences to surround myself with this people multiple days a week, for many hours at a time. I don't know if it's because the holidays stress people out because they're spending so much money, or if it's because it's getting so dark so much earlier and everyone is in a pissy mood, but it SUCKS.

            I don't understand why people have to be such assholes to those who work in the stores they shop in. I can guarantee that if they were the ones working and we were the ones shopping, throwing shit on the floor, leaving piles of crap everywhere, mixing things up and putting where they don't belong, they would be beyond pissed. And the thing is, I realize that on Black Friday it was a little chaotic with so many people wanting to buy all of their Christmas presents, but that doesn't give them a reason to be an asshole to us that are trying to help them in finding what they want. That not only makes us angry at them, too, but it makes us look bad as associates and, ultimately, as a store. We're people, too; we don't like having people bitch at us just as much as anyone else does. That also means that we don't like having to pick up huge messes because people are too lazy to clean up after themselves. It isn't really our job to wait on them hand and foot. We're there to help, yes, but we aren't a cleaning service.

            Bottom line, when you go to a store or a restaurant, clean up after yourselves. I'm sure most of you reading this have a job and know what it's like cleaning up after people. Make everyone else's job easier and do the same when you go out somewhere.

Word count: 345

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