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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Do You Want For Christmas?

            Have you ever noticed that, since you're getting older, you run out of things you want for Christmas, birthdays, etc? I hate whenever my mom or grandma asks me what I want because, honestly, I really don't know. Money always does the trick because I can get whatever spoils I want, but the little kid in me somewhere still misses the joy of opening tons of presents like I used to, which is why I try to conjure up some ideas for little things I can ask for. Now that I already have a phone, an iPod, a car, among a few other expensive things that kids ask for, I've run out of wishes before things get ridiculous and I ask for loans on something silly, like college, or whatever. (Hah.)
            I also feel bad for asking for things for holidays. I know that my family will always find some things to get me whether I ask for them or not, but when it comes to friends asking me what I want, I freeze up and just telling them nothing. A hug would suffice. I don't like having money spent on me by my friends.
            Now that I'm older, I have a lot more fun buying presents for people than I used to. Since I make money of my own, I feel like I can spoil people without having to rob my mother's bank account like I would have if I didn't have a job. I like the feeling of giving my friends gifts, whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or just because I feel like giving them something. It feels especially awesome when I know they don't have/make very much money themselves, so I get them things just to brighten their day up a little bit, hopefully.

Word count: 302


  1. Ooh. I hadn't noticed but now that you mention it I have run out of things that I want for the holidays. That makes me feel a little sad.

  2. I feel the same way! I can never tell my family what I want for Christmas or my birthday, my grandma has just went to money which is probably a good choice. I tend to notice that I say I want things all year around but when it comes time to choose im clueless. So maybe we should start making lists during the year to help us for the holidays!:)

  3. I totally can second this blog! LOOOOVE buying gifts for people. I'm not even upset or care about what I get anymore! It truly is the Christmas spirit coming out in us! We are growing up! :') #happytears

  4. Yes, since I've gotten older, I've definitely noticed this. It bothers me when people ask me what I want for Christmas, too. First of all, I don't know what I want (as you mentioned), and second, I feel bad making people by me gifts. People don't need material things to make them happy. Most of the time people don't like the gifts they get, anyway. It is much better to give someone cash than to give them some silly, expensive gift they'll never used or a gift card to a place they'll never use it. I think it's great that you now buy gifts for people with your own, hard-earned money. That is very generous of you. My brother bought me gifts with his own money this year for the first time and it meant more to me than any other year because my parents did not pay for it and he had to work for that money to buy me those gifts. It was so sweet of him.
