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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is It Here Yet?

            ONLY FIVE MORE SCHOOL DAYS AND WE'RE FREE. We've been waiting for this last week for months now, although the four-week stretch between Thanksgiving break and Christmas break feels like years. Not only does this span of time go on forever, but teachers seriously think they can keep our full attention those entire four weeks, and they get frustrated with us when we don't have the discipline to do our best. We can't help that the anticipation for nine days away from school, presents, tons of delicious food and time for SLEEP is taking over almost every neural function in our brains.
            A big issue I have with the span between Thanksgiving and Christmas is that teachers try cramming in an entirely new lesson concept and all the huge projects, quizzes and major tests that come with them. They should know better because there is no way a bunch of high school kids, no matter how "mature" we may seem, sometimes, Christmas is definitely more important to us than school at this point in time. As my AP Comparative Government teacher is discussing the differences between the governments of two completely different countries, I'm sitting there drooling over all the chocolaty, gooey Christmas cookies I'm going to be devouring in just a few short days.
            The worst part about all this is teachers plan their end-of-the-unit tests ON THE SAME FREAKING DAY. I would much rather have one test in a different class each day of the week than having six in one sad, horrible day. It would give us more time to spend studying on each individual subject, rather than having to cut up time among six different subjects in one night, and, therefore, it increases our chances of getting a good grade. I'm assuming that most of us poor souls have a job outside of school. Dividing the short, measly hours left after a five-six-hour shift at work between studying and getting enough sleep is just so hard. I don't think teachers get it. They have work and school rolled into one, and if they have "homework" grading papers at night, that's their own damn fault. We students have it tough nowadays.
            I hate that all the big projects are due and the tests are scheduled on the last day of school before a break. It leaves us dreading the entire week because we know that last day is coming, and we have to endure that day before we're finally set free for a week. With my procrastination being as atrocious as it is, I always wait until Thursday night to study for my big tests and/or finish my project(s). I know it's stupid and childish, but I think somewhere deep in the folds of my brain I think that, maybe, if I put it off as long as possible then it'll just go away and I can skip right to my break. But no. It doesn't happen that way. Once reality sets in that I have absolutely no more time to just sit on my ass and not do my homework, I'm a busy little bee, running through my assignments until the wee hours of the morning. Of course I don't mind it too much because I know I have nine full days ahead of me to catch up on my much-needed sleep.

Word count: 556

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