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I'm Emily. :) I'm artsy, obsessed with music, and crazy once you get to know me.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I Have a Problem

            No matter how many times I try telling myself that I NEED to do something, I never come around to it until the last possible minute. I know I've done a post about procrastination already, but it's a topic I have a lot to say about. I have a serious problem with it. I'll write things down in my planner, every day, and I still won't start some assignments until Sunday night, most of the time. And then, I'll be sitting in my room on Sunday, like I am now, freaking out because I only have 'X' number of hours before sleeping must be done, enough so I won't end up dying in class the next morning. I screw myself over pretty much every weekend, yet every Monday I tell myself I won't be doing it the following week and I do anyway.

            I should probably follow my own advice from my pervious post. I don't leave my phone in the other room like I should, probably because I'm waiting for texts that I know won't be coming (:forever alone:). I don't have much self-discipline when it comes to doing homework. I may be doing nothing on Friday night or all day Saturday, but everything else like lying on my bed, scrolling through Twitter or staring off into space sounds so much better than cracking open my 9-and-a-half-pound AP Art History textbook. The biggest reason why I even do my homework on Sunday is because I know I have to and I don't like getting in trouble. I have no self-discipline at all, so starting homework is mentally painful after a weekend of complete laziness.

            I don't just put off homework. With work and school, I don't really have much time to clean my room anymore; it was very clean at one point, but since I work from about the time I get out of school to about nine, then I have to do homework, throwing my dirty clothes on the floor sounds like the fastest, easiest way to start. And by the time the weekend rolls around again, I'm too lazy to pick up my clothes or straighten the contents on my desk to get it back to normal. I'll spend hours cleaning it when I make time but it just gets bad again after a few work days. I should invent a pill to get rid of laziness, but I'm too lazy.

Word count: 410

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